Discussion: code breaker !!!
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Vieux 09/02/2005, 20h55   #20 (permalink)
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Euh...en faite j'ai pas compris comment on le grave... lol
Il y a deux fichiers images .nrg, un de 1.67mo et l'autre 615mo (compression ) et un readme.


codebreaker dc hack for cb boot loader - by:hrb2k3 for PSOCheats (http://www.psocheats.com)

---what's this?---
a new codebreaker image that the cb bootloader will load. you can now boot cd-r games from codebreaker.
nothing was really hacked. all this is, is a disc structure that the bootloader will recognize and boot.


1. burn the .nrg image with nero.
2. boot cb bootloader in your dc.
3. open disc lid, put in codebreakerDC hacked cd-r. close lid.
4. wait 10-15 seconds, press start. it should say, "loading XploderDC".
5. once codebreaker is loaded, select your codes.
6. press "Start Game". it will say open disc lid.
7. do so and put in your DC backup game. it should boot.!!
8. your welcome. enjoy!!!

hrb2k3 - 2004
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