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Vieux 13/01/2005, 12h39   #24 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
Localisation: 36th Chamber
Messages: 839
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De rien.

Sinon au passage Winkawaks 1.53 est sortis ce matin, avec 3 nouvelles roms ajoutés... Je pense que la ça devrait se calmer, Razoola, n'est pas vraiment le genre à balancer toutes les semaines des nouvelles versions de son superbe emu Neo Geo, Cps-1, Cps-2...

New year, yet another new Kawaks... 
New drivers: 
The King of Fighters 2002 (bootleg) 
The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (bootleg 2) 
The KOF Special Edition 2004 (hack)
Added a no rotate vertical games option for the vertical CPS-1 and 2 games. This is very handy if you own a rotatable TFT screen. 
Fixed some games not showing when the 'Hide Redundant Games' option is used. 
Fixed Matrimelee (bootleg) to use the original bootleg V ROMs. Also fixed it to use the P roms from the parent set (data identical in both sets). 
Updated C5 ROM in Matrimelee as old was bad. 
Fixed Dynasty Wars DIP switches.


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