Discussion: gt4 des news
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Vieux 05/01/2005, 10h27   #3 (permalink)
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"Hi, I just wanted to give my input on the GT4 backup thing.

I live out in Hong Kong and got my copy of GT4 on the official release date (28/12). Yes its a DVD9 and its such a great game. I decided to make sure I have a backup just in case something goes wrong with my original copy. Like some of you have experienced, its bad news. I burned 3 times, with different softwares, different brands of media on my NEC3500AG and it just got to the license screen and then blacked out. However, it has been successfully backup by some people who have a Benq 1620 (Pro) DL writer (this is a Taiwan make).

Now apparently, protection on this game is not the problem. The problem lies in your writer and the writing technology it uses. Benq and Philips writers uses the same writing technology. So Philips writers may work but I have no news on that. Another importance is the writing speed. DO NOT GO FASTER THAN 2.4X!!

The below writers have failed to successfully backup GT4 on Mitsubishi and Verbatim DL media. So if you own one of these, forget it...

Pioneer A08
Sony (All)

I just gave up and eventually found out that GT4 was available at the local pirate corner for just HK$50. Thats about US$5.50. Its a fully working copy on D9. Don't know how they did it, but thumbs-up, they did a great job. Could have saved my money had I know earlier. "

Donc c'est la technologie de gravure qui est en cause, et non une protection.

Je possède un graveur LG double couche qui a je crois la même mécanique que le BenQ, mais je n'ai pas de DVD9 pour faire une tentative.
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