Discussion: Cobra ???
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Vieux 17/12/2004, 00h30   #19 (permalink)
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alors c'est vraiment vrai lol

 ³ - While turning on your GC: ³
³ - Hold X if you want to boot Original BIOS instead ³
³ - Hold Y if you want to boot Original BIOS with region-free hack ³
³ - Don't hold any button if you want to run DVD-R :-) ³
³ ³
³ - PLEASE WAIT should appear. then SWAP DISC NOW! and the GC ³
³ disc is stopped (and laser off). As soon as you see the disc is ³
³ slowing down it's safe to remove the original disc and put your ³
³ DVD-R instead. After a few seconds the drive will start to spin ³
³ again and disc will boot (if you didn't have enough time to do the ³
³ swap trick, turn off the GC and try again) ³
³ ³
³ - Remove the top of your GC if you want to use full-size DVD-R ³

oulà si çà marche ,c'est chelou qd même ,faudrait effectuer un swap "ds un temps limité" ,ce qui veut dire démonter son cube et effectuer des modifs pr que ce soit possible?
excusez si j'ai dis des conneries , j'y connais rien en hack gamecube...

et je croyais que la gamecube ne pouvait pas lire des dvd-r?

le forum gamecube va connaitre un afflux de visites je pense...(tout comme la recherche d'iso sur le donkey :\)

[edit]: sur gamefreax.de ils disent avoir tester et réussi à faire marcher le bazar:
Cobra Bios confirmed to work ( 17.12.2004 )

We had the chance to test the Cobra Bios finally and we can now confirm that it really works. We first tested it with an ISO of Zelda the four swords on a Datatrack Mini DVD-R which didnt work, then we went one step further and burned the same ISO to a normal size Verbatim DVD-R in 4x Speed and tested it after taking off the complete lid of the Gamecube. This one works just perfect. We'll set up a small movie in a few minutes for all you who can't wait to see their own mod working :-)

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