salut pop6669
à ta place j'achèterais le swap magic 3.3 (il est très bien ce log)
pour une trentaine d'euros tu ne dois plus dépendre de personne (on n'est jamais si bien servi que par soi-même) et il intègre de nouvelles fonctionnalités très intéressentes:
How to launch:
Put the memory card in slot 1 and boot SwapMagic3.3, if the program "mc0:/SWAPMAGIC/SWAPMAGIC.ELF" is found and it will be launched automatically.
Put the memory card in slot 1/2 and boot SwapMagic3.3, if the program "mcx:/SWAPMAGIC/SMBOOT0.ELF" is found and it will be launched by key "UP+L1" press.
Put the memory card in slot 1/2 and boot SwapMagic3.3, if the program "mcx:/SWAPMAGIC/SMBOOT1.ELF" is found and it will be launched by key "UP+L2" press.
Put the memory card in slot 1/2 and boot SwapMagic3.3, if the program "mc1:/SWAPMAGIC/SMBOOT2.ELF" is found and it will be launched by key "UP+R1" press.
Put the memory card in slot 1/2 and boot SwapMagic3.3, if the program "mc1:/SWAPMAGIC/SMBOOT3.ELF" is found and it will be launched by key "UP+R2" press.