Discussion: hdloader 2 pour dms4
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Vieux 08/11/2004, 22h43   #6 (permalink)
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ta source ca srai pas les nfo de la team toxic par hasard?

Coming soon: ToxicOS! Team Toxic are currently working on a BIOS release for
the DMS4 Pro modchip, called ToxicOS. As well as providing all features
currently found in ToxicBIOS such as autoboot and HDD support, ToxicOS will
boast features never before seen in any modchip - the most impressive of those
being the ability to install and run games directly from the HDD! ToxicOS will
also allow you to store ELF files inside the modchip's onboard flash and load
them via a boot menu. Unfortunately ToxicOS will only be available for DMS4
Pro and not DMS4 Lite, due to the small size of the DMS4 Lite's onboard flash.
Stay tuned for more info!

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