t'as tout à fait raison bubble apparemment il faut un execftp patché 48 bits
quote Zero-X (forum ps2scene):
To get ExecFTPs work with large drive you only need to change the ps2atad.irx with the 48bit one in then current ps2sdk-bin as it's just a separate file on your MC (or where ever you happen have it).
bon si tu n'y connais rien en programmation (moi non plus
) t'as plus qu'à attendre que l'auteur sorte la nouvelle version d'execftp...
requote Zero-X:
To replace embedded IRX you first need to locate where it is in the file, then how much does it take space to see if it can be replaced. Old versions are often smaller so a new one needs to be recompiled to strip all the unnecessary bits from it to get it fit, yet still function.
I have ExecFTPs 0.68 also and it started working just fine after replacing ps2atad.irx on the MC.