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Vieux 24/10/2004, 16h56   #133 (permalink)
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Je cite une personne de ps2scene qui a raison:
There are a few logistical points that lead me to believe that version leaked is very much the full retail release.

- Anyone within Rockstar that could have leaked a demo or beta would have their head on a platter. No doubt Rockstar had their thumb heavy on anyone who had access to it. These things are very tightly guarded.
- Anyone that could have been tempted to leaked a demo or a beta would have done so looooooong ago; not a week before the official release.
- Rockstar has made no claim that the pirated version is anything other than the full retail release. If it weren't retail, Rockstar would aggressively note it to make potential downloaders aware that they won't be getting the 'real' game.

I could be wrong, but I think that what you see is what you get.
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