Discussion: Puce O2 pour PS2™
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Vieux 11/10/2004, 12h01   #14 (permalink)
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I would have answered "because it's an english website", but since it seems they banned completely any o2 talk...

Well, the BIG problem about this chip is its alimentation. We fall back on the nasty, evil, dual 5v/3.3v (even though it seems on their diagrams it only use 5v) which has prooven back to be a deadful design. I installed and tested enough modchips to be able to say that I will NEVER install any O2 anywhere, due to its 5v, which is more likely to blow up your console after a few month. Moreover, their 5v sucking point is located on the main power of the lens. So, expect reading problems.

Afterward, it seems there are problems too about software. There were(are?) disputes about the usage of UMCDR inside of the modchip, without its author's agreement, which directly makes me think this may a proof of the o2's maker's evilness...
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