Discussion: PS3Xploit
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Vieux 14/11/2017, 22h32   #1 (permalink)
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Par défaut PS3Xploit

Vous avez surement vu la nvelle MAJ 4.82 OFW aujourd'hui.

Il s'agit très probablement d'une tentative de patch de la part de SONY suite à l'annonce d'une faille trouvée sur le firmwire 4.81 et devant permettre de downgrader sans flasher hardware.

Dc ne passez pas en 4.82.

Source : All the latest news, information, and file downloads from the Sony Playstation/PsOne,PS3/PS2/PSP/PS VITA Scenes! - New Exploit (PS3Xploit) for PS3 OFW 4.81 Announcnced

L'annonce postée y a qq jours - avant le patch de Sony d'aujourd'hui :

Great news for PS3 owners who have not been able to exploit your console's. There is now hope as there is a new exploit for OFW 4.81 on the PS3. Which currently is the latest firmware, but sure to get patched here in the coming days to weeks . so do not update to a future firmware if released by Sony, until you hear about the current exploits and the future potential they are bringing to the table. When i say "they" i mean the 3 developer behind the PS3Xploit Team (bguerville, esc0rtd3w and W). They actually wanted to release the work at later date (as they have not completed all stages of the hack yet),Due to a situation several days ago, a portion of the exploit was leaked nothing significant in itself but would be enough for Sony to close the holes with a patch in a future firmware update that we are expectin. So your seeing the warning not to update your firmware past 4.81 (if update arises) if you want to take advantage of PS3Xploit hack.

Essentially what this all means for you,
is that current models of PS3's that could be downgraded but have not been and are on OFW currently will soon have a SOFTWARE DOWNGRADER for those models,making Hardware Flasher a need of the past now this does not help out SuperSlim models or later slim models because they can not Downgrade to a 3.55 window for CFW installation (factory firmware was higher & 3.55 is the only window for CFW installation from an OFW). HOWEVER, there is strong belief this webkit exploit can mature into a HENKAKU type of hack like we have seen on the PS Vita / PlayStation TV, but this would be the last stage of the project, right now the team has released an IDPS Dumper for 4.81 OFW, works on all PS3 models even SuperSlims, but 12GB models are currently solving an issue with emmc but seems like a minor issue they will solve. This release was in response to an incomplete version being leaked, which explosed the exploit so if sony releases a firmware update prior or even after this is released do not update because in all likelyhood its just a PATCH to PS3Xploit.
Edit : la MAJ OFW 4.82 ne bouche pas l'exploit. Vous devez l'installer avant d'utiliser l'exploit.

Dernière modification par ShaoliAss ; 29/11/2017 à 09h26.
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