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Vieux 08/10/2017, 13h12   #350 (permalink)
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Envoyé par antonioks Voir le message
vous avez un plan de menu pour le Popstarter, qui pourrait apparaître les couvertures des jeux?
Nope, I'm not planning to make one. POPStarter is the last PS2 project I'm maintaining.

Envoyé par El_Patas Voir le message
This means that the games of Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider II and Ninja, they have now the CDDA audio working?
Jolek reported that TR2 has the CDDA working at ASSEMblergames, with the expected cutscene issues.

Envoyé par El_Patas Voir le message
Umm...but you tested first the PAL versions of Team Buddies, i'm not sure
that the user of ElOtroLado he are right that the problem of this game
is caused by the PAL patcher.
If my memory serves me right, all the PAL releases had problems with loading levels/menus, from HDD, USB and SMB. $NOPAL helped to pass the first loading (the one before the main menu), but the game still hanged loading some levels.
With the integraded fix, the game should work without the need of $NOPAL.

Envoyé par El_Patas Voir le message
No more freezes in both versions of NFS: Porsche 2000, great! and the game itself plays fine?
Jolek repoted that it boots. I played it a little and it did not crash.
Though, I noticed that the cars have glitches when shown in the menus after playing. No glitches in game it seems...

Envoyé par El_Patas Voir le message
This is some internal fix, or the $MUTE_VAB is for use in the CHEATS.TXT?
Yes, it's for use in CHEATS.TXT like the other $ things.
I don't use this internally (as an integrated fix), because who knows, perhaps I or someone else could fix the VAB issues properly. $MUTE_VAB is not a fix, it simply mutes the VAB audio output.

Envoyé par El_Patas Voir le message
Thank you very much for this, from what i see this is just an approach or experimental right?
It is a first approach. I haven't studied the GTE that much.
The current hack is multiplying SX2 by 0.75 (or 0.76, can't remember). It makes the vertex ratio out of bounds for most games, and so you may encounter missing textures and 3D objects if the game rendering area is too low for this widescreen hack.
Yet, I do not know how/if it can be tweaked from the GTE emulation, without making game-side render fixes.

Envoyé par El_Patas Voir le message
You are planning for put this prototype as the new beta 18 or you continue making protoypes?
Honestly I'm in a bad mood right now, and I'm considering fixing the reported bugs, releasing revision 14 and stop updating it...

Envoyé par shmoo Voir le message
El_Patas, about Metal Gear Solid USA version (SLUS-00594/00776), all cutscenes plays fine with WIP_06_PROTO_20170703. I haven't tested with the last PROTO, but it's possible the game has no problems (except for the some slowdown in some areas).
, thanks. So yup, the cutscene crashes probably vanished with the cumulative POPS bugfixes from 2017/07/03.

EDIT: @all Jolek has reported this :
Envoyé par Jolek
I've also notice that in some FMV (eg TR2: Core Design intro, Die hard Trilogy: Fox Interactive intro)
sound seems to crackle with Prototypes 20171003 and 20170703 (don't have other protos) through USB.

With POPStarter Revision 13, WIP 06, OBT 17 (2017/01/28) everything is fine.
Maybe other USB driver has been added to these protos?
Can anybody confirm this ? And if possible, compare the results with HDD/SMB ?
The drivers haven't been changed. It could be either one unpredictable oddball USB issue, or one of the POPS bugfix wasting too much clock cycles on MDEC...

Quelqu'un peut confirmer que les FMVs déconnent en USB avec le dernier proto, comparé à la bêta 17 ? Et si possible, voir si ça le fait aussi en HDD/SMB ?

Dernière modification par krHACKen ; 08/10/2017 à 13h22.
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Allan58 (08/10/2017), antonioks (08/10/2017)