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Vieux 24/06/2017, 13h05   #315 (permalink)
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Envoyé par krHACKen Voir le message
The new patches are always enabled. So everytime you launch POPStarter, it will fix the 5 or 6 POPS bugs I made the patches for.

The few games which triggered those bugs should stop crashing now. Although, they may crash later if another not-fixed POPS bug occurs lol.

So yeah, it's generic as "always activated for all games", but will not fix things that it cannot fix.
Example with Brave Fender Musashi :
This game triggers at least 4 POPS bugs in a chain. The 3 first bugs of the chain are fixed. I could not fix the 4th one (it's the same buggy function which messes up Dino Crisis by the way), so Brave Fender Musashi will still crash at the same moment.

Best regards
Salut kHn.

Sur ce site, tu aurais pu mettre ta réponse en Français puis en Anglais car El_Patas est Espagnol, alors l'Anglais c'est simplement "utilitaire" pour lui mais pas le Français pour les "Nuls" que nous pouvons être dans cette langue. Moi le premier.

Merci par avance.
1 PS1 SCPH7502 pucée

2 PS2 SCPH70004 en FMCB/PS2NetBox
1 PS2 SCPH39004a sous FMCB/FHDB/PS2USB2
1 PS2 SCPH50004 sous FMCB/FHDB

1 PS3 Slim CECH2504B REBUG-4.84.2 REX/Cobra-8.10/WebMAN-1.47.31/MultiMAN-4.85.00
1 PS3 Slim CECH3004B HEN3.0.1/Cobra-8.10/WebMAN-1.47.31/MultiMAN-4.85.00
1 PS3 SuperSlim CECH-4204C sous HEN-3.01 WebMAN-1.47.31/MultiMAN-4.85.00
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antonioks (24/06/2017)