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Vieux 12/06/2017, 00h43   #303 (permalink)
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Thank you for testing and reporting.
The reason why the US version freezes/crashes is not known yet. Someone at told me that the US version also has more issues with stuttering/slowdowns than the PAL version. The PAL version runs "better"...

The other changes in this prototype aren't useful to the end-user :

- Support for PS1 scratch pad memory codes in the cheat engine. It's for cheaters and hackers...

- Support for playing physical PS1 CDROMs. That lets testers/hacker do quick tests without having to dump and convert their games. But it is not suitable for gaming, since the original CDDA audio support from $ONY's IOPCD driver does a lot of shit when playing a real PS1 CD (outputs some awful noises instead of the actual CDDA music/sound).

- Changes to the MODULE_#.IRX loader. Which might help the developers to use their IOP code and deal with cross-module dependencies. For example, to add functionalities relying on new hardware. The devs would want to attach EE routines too (yes, TROJANs), to prepare semaphores, start servers, query devices, eventually import the controller input to the EE, etc... Boring stuff.

- Value 0x04 to offset 42F of the POPSTARTER ELF/KELF. It disables all the POPStarter integrated game fixes, and enables the game specific tweaks. The currently embedded "tweaks" in this prototype are the camera distance mods for the Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX games, and a texture distortion mod for Ridge Racer Revolution and Rage Racer.
I see, thank you very much for the explanations, please keep the good work.
Any test needed we are here.

Best regards.
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