17/12/2016, 11h35
#20 (permalink)
MAJ ! uLE devient wLaunchELF (double-unofficial) et est officiellement repris en main par AKuHAK et SP193.
What is LaunchELF?
LaunchELF is a file manager program for the PlayStation 2.
The original LaunchELF project was by Mirakichi, who worked on versions prior to v3.41.
After Mirakichi stopped working on LaunchELF, E P and dlanor worked on unofficial LaunchELF (uLaunchELF) up to v4.42d.
Due to real-life commitments, both E P and dlanor have been on a hiatus for quite a few years. Double-unofficial LaunchELF (wLaunchELF) is a new project by AKuHAK and SP193 that continues to bring new updates to our favourite file manager to the PlayStation 2.
The first stable release is slated to be LaunchELF v4.50, to mark the start of a new line of builds. As of today, we are still updating and fixing LaunchELF, so we will appreciate constructive comments and feedback about the quality and functionality of LaunchELF.
While E P and dlanor have not officially declared that they won't be ever coming back to continue work on uLaunchELF, I have decided to create a new thread in order to avoid cluttering their thread with posts regarding new bugs that are caused by the (rather invasive) work on the code.
Legacy thread: unofficial LaunchELF v4.42 (unofficial LaunchELF v4.42)
Move, copy, rename, delete files.
Manage the partitions on the PlayStation 2 HDD unit.
Supports skins.
Supports HDD capacities up to 2TB.
Supports USB Mass Storage Devices capacities up to 2TB.
Supported devices: Memory Card, HDD unit, CD/DVD, USB Mass Storage Device, host.
Known issues/limitations:
Network support is dysfunctional.
Language files cannot be located.
LaunchELF v4.43a (2016-12-16)
(kHn) Added AllowDVD IRX module, to enable DVD-video discs to be read (for ESR support, if uLaunchELF is used instead of FMCB).
Adjusted Hiryu's libcdvd library to not cause a freeze, if there is no disc inserted.
Removed the disc control option, since LaunchELF can now correctly determine if no disc is inserted.
Removed IOP Reset option, since LaunchELF is always rebooting the IOP at boot.
(doctorxyz) Added VGA mode.
(doctorxyz) Added slash and back-slash characters to the on-screen keyboard.
Cleaned up IOP reset code.
Cleaned up loader module.
Corrected region-detection code, for DVD player and OSDSYS update booting.
Fixed support for HDD unit capacities up to 2TB.
Cleaned up file I/O code, to use only fileXio.
Re-enabled code that preserves the timestamp for files copied to the HDD unit.
Compiled with the new PS2SDK updates.
Source (et topic officiel) : psx-scene.
Téléchargement : ici.