18/06/2016, 18h47
#3098 (permalink)
Version 1.952 disponnible.
Changelog for FMCB
Changelog for v1.952:
- Corrected OSD setting initialization, to make it more compliant with the design found in ROM v1.80 and later.
Changelog for the installer
Changelog for v0.972:
- Fixed buffer-allocation bug in
- Only the "OK" button legend will be displayed for information (single-option) messages.
- No button legend will be displayed for status updates (i.e. "Please wait..." screens).
- The last-accessed menu will be displayed, upon the user returning to the menu.
- The last-selected menu option will be highlighted, upon the user returning to the menu.
- Long messages and labels will now be once again automatically wrapped.
- Removed support for the tab ("\t") escape character in translation files.
- Added Italian localization.
- Fixed buffer-allocation bug within MCTOOLs, which resulted in poorer memory card dumping/restoring performance.
- Updated comments within MCTOOLs.
- Changed the behavior of MCTOOLS to match the behaviour of the SONY MCMAN (to avoid potential incompatibilities).
- Removed code within MCTOOLS that deallocates unused clusters from a directory, as the SONY MCMAN does not seem to do that.