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Vieux 18/04/2015, 17h43   #43 (permalink)
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Désolé pour mon absence de réponse. Je suis toujours sur la connec de secours FreeWifi, et elle est exécrable.

POPStarter est sensé être compatible avec la PSX (je parle bien de la DESR là) depuis la revision 13. J'avais fait des tests de son KELF dans ma PSX du temps où il était encore en cours d'élaboration et pas encore sorti.

Envoyé par kogami-san Voir le message
Tu le lancera depuis ULE.
C'est un truc qui était passé complétement inaperçu, mais j'avais sorti une modif de uLE qui permettait de lancer les VCD directement en les sélectionnant (ce qui évitait d'avoir à renommer et copier des tonnes d'ELF de POPStarter)

Envoyé par krHACKen
POPStarter was made in a way it can be launched by another launcher that has an user interface (with several restrictions like the fixed paths of the VCDs/VMCs/POPS files...).
Since I'm a rookie dev and I never play with the GSkit when coding my stuff, I cannot make one. As you can see in my YT videos, I use a customized uLE build which is based off uLE_wip7 for launching POPStarter simply by selecting the VCD in its FileBrowser. My HDDs are entirely dedicated to the POPStarter things, so all I need is __mbr and __common partitions + __.POPS partitions. uLE is launched from the MBR and it loads its configuration file from __common/SYS-CONF/LAUNCHELF.CNF. My CodeBreaker ELF is in __common/SYS-CONF/ too, and it's modified for loading/saving its codelist from/to the root of the __common partition. After I activate the cheatcodes and select the launch game thing, CodeBreaker exits to the OSD (and the OSD executes uLE from the MBR).

My uLE mod is here :
Because I've tweaked it for my own wants, I'd recommend you add the POPStarter ELF launcher code to the uLE clean source code and recompile it rather than using my precompiled crap. The launcher is the checkVCDstuff function in kHnStuff.c, and it's invoked in the function getFilePath (line 3405 of filer.c).
Things you'll probably dislike or HATE in my build are :
- Default GUI colour settings aren't the official default ones
- Default Network Settings aren't the official default ones
- Disc stop is ON by default
- No SMB
- The uLE config file HAS TO BE COPIED as __common/SYS-CONF/LAUNCHELF.CNF (uLE WIP7 wants it to be copied in __sysconf/FMCB/LAUNCHELF.CNF IIRC)
- The internal HDD gets powered off when the ELF you launch isn't in the internal HDD
- Things I forgot, and perhaps EXTRA BUGS that aren't in uLE WIP7 (hence why I recommended you do your own implementation to the uLE WIP7 source code)
- When you try to save the updated config (for instance, after assigning a launch key), you may get a Failed to save LAUNCHELF.CNF error. This occurs because the FileBrowser did unmount the __common partition. The solution is to enter the "Network Setting..." menu, go back to the general config menu and select OK to save.

The POPStarter ELF has to be copied as hdd0:/__common/POPS/POPSTARTER.ELF for the internal HDD operation mode, and/or as mass:/POPS/POPSTARTER.ELF for the USB operation mode.
Then you can launch VCDs directly, no more ELF renaming+copying needed.
Source :

Dernière modification par krHACKen ; 18/04/2015 à 17h53.
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