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Vieux 22/02/2015, 18h53   #19 (permalink)
French frog
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Avatar de ShaoliAss
Date d'inscription: juin 2012
Localisation: Bordeaux
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Envoyé par grippsous Voir le message

Je remonte ce topic car je n'arrive pas à trouver des thèmes compatibles avec opl 9.2, seulement pour 7 et 8.

Savez-vous ou on peut en trouver?
Share your Theme and ART - OPLv0.9 beta - Page 43
Share your Theme and ART - OPLv0.9 beta - Page 45
Share your Theme and ART - OPLv0.9 beta - Page 45
Jay-Jay's "Theme Collection" for OPL v0.9.x

Envoyé par grippsous Voir le message
D'autre part, je ne comprends pas comment faire pour utiliser les background Art (une image de fond pour chaque jeu)

Faut-il un paramétrage spécial ? merci
Official OPLv0.8 User Guides

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Background Art

You can create a background for each of your games to display as you scroll thru the list and they will change to the game currently highlighted in the list.

Background art must be enabled by setting the background_mode=3 in the (conf_theme.cfg) theme configuration file.

The resolution size is 640w x 480h Backgrounds are supported in .jpg and .png format, but it is not recommended to use .png with any transparency. Images with a transparency will not display correctly. Create anything you want, but take notice of where 'elements' of the GUI display, as not to make it difficult to see them.

Save the image in the following form: Game-code_BG.image format (BG must be uppercase)


Place your background art into the ART folder, enable the device and enjoy your art.

Background art will display for any game you have put in the ART folder. For games you do not have a background for, the Theme background will display instead, if no Theme background, then the default Plasma or Color background will display.
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