Sortie de la WIP 02 imminente.
al va passer le package en revue. Si j'ai pas fait de connerie et que tout va bien, je devrais le publier dans la soirée, dans la nuit, ou demain dans la journée...
Un bout du changelog de la build qui sera publiée :
* POPStarter Revision 13, Build Date : 2014/08/22, WIP 02
- Added ~160 LibCrypt cracks (experimental), and truckloads of compatibility modes autoactivations. POPStarter now recognises 402 DISCS (see 5-AUTOMATED.TXT for the list).
- Bugfixed: POPS couldn't rename SLOT#.OLD as SLOT#.VMC when the VMC path was too long. To fix that, I've simply relinked the .OLD path to the .VMC pointer like I did for the USB mode in a previous POPStarter build...
- Bugfixed: POPStarter failed to set its debug display in realtime mode when the delay value was 0xFF. It's fixed now....
- IGR skin and IRX loaders are now enabled by default (in the configuration table)
- The POPStarter ELF/KELF configuration table now allows you to force up to 8 compatibility modes together
- Removed the tty on/off switch from the USB mode launcher. It's useless now, since the PFS wrapper author did compile it with the debug stuff commented out.
- POPStarter was compiled with the USB SUPPORT ON. Now you can load Delcro's PFS Wrapper and play your games from a USB drive
- Added Delcro's new build (2014/08/06) of the PFS wrapper in the POPStarter release package
- Here too, I did not try the KELF before putting the stuff together and releasing the package. Only the ELF was tested.
- Development status is still WIP, although I'll take mah vacations soon
5-AUTOMATED.TXT en question qui sera dans le package.
P**ain, faut que j'aille dormir. Vivement la sortie, mon état de santé mentale se dégrade avec l'envie de fumer. Ca serait dommage que je me jette par la fenêtre avant que les gugus qui hexéditent POPS-00001 puissent avoir l'USB dans POPStarter hahaha.