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Vieux 29/12/2013, 15h13   #5 (permalink)
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Ce ne sont que des fakes: FAQ: Xbox 360 Emulation | NGEmu

Okay, now that I have moderator rights over the Xbox forums, time to shed some light on this.

1. Q: Is there an Xbox 360 emulator?
A: No. There are no Xbox 360 emulators that exist as of yet. In fact, many FAKE Xbox 360 emulators have surfaced all over the web and youtube. So if you see one claiming any REAL commercial game compatibility, it's safe to assume it's a fake.

2. Q: Why is there no Xbox 360 emulator?
A: The answer(s) to this are both simple and profound.
  • The hardware required to emulate it (in software) does not exist. It doesn't matter if you have a quad-core, hex-core, or even 12 cores, that's NOT enough to emulate Xbox 360.
  • The hardware isn't well documented enough to get any real results. There's enough to emulate simple homebrew and some basic hardware features, but not enough to emulate a commercial game such as Halo 3.
  • The majority of experienced Emu authors want nothing to do with it. That's the killer in a nutshell.

3. Q: Can it be done?
A: Depending on the approach and implementation, yes. I (and another emu author who will remain namless) do believe it can be done to a certain extent.

4. Q: Are you going to write a Cxbx 360?
A: Don't hold your breath.

5. Q: Can the 360 be HLEd with Direct3D9 like how Cxbx does with Xbox1?
A: Yes. This possibility arose when the 360 SDK was leaked. There are two versions floating around, but this doesn't actually make it much easier at all.

6. Q: What would it take to emulate 360?
A: It's too early to tell. Just assume your machine is not capable of handling it. One thing is already clear, you'll [most likely] need a Direct3D11 class GPU to handle it's tessellation engine, and I'm quite sure that you'd be limited to 64-bit OSes.

Normally FAQs don't need disscussion, but I'll go ahead and leave this open for any more input.
Cela ne fait que depuis les core i5 2500k que l'émulation wii est confortable. Le CPU est sorti en 2011. Les CPU PC n'étaient pas assez puissants avant. Pour rappel la Wii a un CPU à un cœur (un truc de fou quoi...). Alors faudrait quoi comme PC pour émuler le CPU de la 360 à 3 cœur @ 3.2Ghz? 20 PC en réseaux? un supercalculateur?

Pour info, il n'y a toujours d'émulateur fonctionnel pour la Xbox 1...

Tous ces émulateurs 360 sont des fakes. au mieux ça sera pour des jeux XLA.
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