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Vieux 29/10/2013, 08h10   #46 (permalink)
French frog
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Par défaut

La 0.9.2 vient de sortir y a 30 minutes, c'est tout chaud :

Envoyé par changelog
==== Version 0.9.2 ====


* Merged OPL/OPLGSM codebase
* GSM Core 0.36.R - don't worry; 0.38 will be coming back better than ever!
* GSM Core no longer supports 576p, 1080p, Skip FMVs - this is temporary.
* GSM Core is now IGR and CodeBreaker/PS2rd compatible! (See Note 1)
* GSM no longer included in Childproof builds.
* Unified Makefile builds from single source tree via "GSM=0/1" argument (ala VMC/No VMC)
* Protokernel support now part of PS2SDK toolchain
* The integrated LibFreeType was removed, upgraded, and moved into the PS2SDK
* Upgraded LIBPNG, ATAD, HDPro, and DEV9 Module Code
* Added power-off processing code for older games - they should power off console now.
* Optimzed CDVDMAN and CDVDFSV
* Support for PSX DESR-5x00 and 7x00 units
* Built-in TLB reinitialization mechanism - no more EECORE hooking and patching.
* Modified Mode 7 to "IOP Threading Hack"
* Replaced SMAP driver
* Modified SMSTCPIP
* Ported a version of ETH Mode types from doctorxyz's OPLGSM


* New "Show GSM on Main Menu" toggle in "Settings" (GSM Builds Only)
* New "GSM Settings" on Main Menu - easier navigation! (GSM Builds Only)
* Fixed issue with HDLSERV and GSM Settings not showing up immediately.
* Full Ethernet controls - can disable Auto-Negotiation and force a mode.
* Some things were are worded differently as less words carry more freight.
* Removed redundant UDMA modes - PS2 will never handle UDMA 5 and UDMA 6.
* Updated SMB support to give better error messages.
* Network error codes changed slightly - 300 for connection errors, 301 for logon errors, 302 for ECHO isalive
test failing, and 303 for share opening errors.


* Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix (Gummi Fix)
* Baldar's Gate Series (HDD)
* Champions of Norrath (HDD)
* New Mode 7 fixes stuttering with games such as DDR and Pop'N Music (HDD ONLY!)

//**NOTE 1**// - //An IGR from OPLGSM to OPL (and vice versa) has produced BSODs in our initial tests. We're looking into this quirk. In the mean time, consider power-cycling the PS2 before switching between GSM and non-GSM builds, or populate your IGR Path specifically with a GSM-build - our tests show when GSM is enabled and still resident, an IGR directly to a GSM-build rarely produces the BSOD (likewise with Vanilla OPL IGR'ing directly to Vanilla OPL) ...//
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