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Vieux 22/03/2013, 17h53   #2 (permalink)
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PS3 Homebrew Developer CaptainCPS-X has been on fire with his many contributions to the scene. Some of those releases include the PS2 Placeholder & Convert any PS2 ISO to a PS2Classic Guide, and FBA-Retro_Loader to name a few. Well today CaptainCPS-X has announced and shown a preview of his latest project. This project is called PS2 Classics Manager v1.0 and is what the name states a PS2 Classic Game manager that will boot and manager your PS2 Classics titles. It looks alot like the FBA-Retro_Loader he has created however this will boot PS2 games instead of FBA roms obviously. Check the full details/info from CaptainCPS-X below. Stay tuned as we will update you of any progress and post the news of when this application for PS2 Classic has been released for the PS3.

[WIP] PS2 Classics Manager v1.0 (coming soon)

I posted this on my PS2 to PS2 Classics guide ([Guide] Convert any PS2 ISO to PS2 Classic - PS3Hax Network - Playstation 3 Hacks and Mods), but I think a separate thread is better so people knows what is coming up, and the post is not lost in all those pages .



I am currently doing kind of a flowchart for an upcoming application that will be called "PS2 Classics Manager", this application will handle PS2 ISOs easily and even display front / back cover, I will work on a custom game database file that will hold some information about each game (ex. Title, Year, Company, Genre, etc).

The planned application will work in conjunction with my PS2 Classics Placeholder.

Game list will be generated by scanning the PS2ISO directory located as in:

And the structure of each PS2 game would be as follows:


Now, the good thing about having the ISOs on the internal HDD is that my application would only have to "move" the file accordingly and keep record of it on a simple CONFIG.CFG (remember where it was located originally), in other hand, if we have the PS2 ISOs at external we would have to copy them and wait while it completes, split files would be easily supported as well.

I will start working on the application today, since I don't have university anymore for this week. Soon I will be posting Work in Progress information and probably some screenshots .

The core of this application will be my other homebrew "FBAlpha Retro Loader" one, so I don't have to start coding the application from scratch.

When finished it will be signed to run on CFW 3.40+ but of course some of you will have to re-sign it if it doesn't launch (I have tried to sign for all CFW, but I got tired of messing with signing stuff and ppl reporting issues xD, LOL)


Make the handling of PS2 game ISOs as simple as possible, this will avoid having a bunch of entries on the XMB.

Just having the PS2 Classics Placeholder + PS2 Classics Manager will be enough to start enjoying your favorite PS2 games .


I started working on this today, but since I am using one of my previous homebrew as base, I don't have to do as much code writing as if I started from scratch. So the most time consuming will be modifying / removing all the unneeded modules / functions and write the new ones.

A simple functional build will probably be available around Saturday, or maybe even tomorrow, depending on how I handle my free time.


Progress Update:

I just compiled and ran the first test build of PS2 Classics Manager, at this moment the core is almost ready, I still have to write the modules to process internal / external PS2 games.

Someone said something about virtual memory cards, I considered this and now users will have the option to put them as in:


They will be moved / copied as needed when you select a PS2 game as active.


Post Source: Link

Progress update #2:

PS2 games bigger than 4GB can be stored in /dev_usb00*/PS2ISOS/[GAMEID] GAME_NAME/ as follows:

- ISO.BIN.ENC.66600
- ISO.BIN.ENC.66601

- ...

If you make this game active from external, then it will join the file to the internal HDD (/dev_hdd0/game/PS2U10000/USRDIR/ISO.BIN.ENC)

Optionally, you will eventually (probably not in the first build release) be able to copy the game from external to internal and the other way around.

Post Source: Link

Source: CaptainCPS-X via forums
A suivre de prés ici =>
PS3 Slim 250Go + CFW Cobra 7/Rogero 4.46 + Mm 4.53.04 + XMBM+ 0.22.0011 + WebMan 1.27
PS3 Fat 80Go + CFW Cobra7/Rogero 4.46
PS2 V9 + OSD 2.00 + FHDB 1.9 + HDD IDE 80Go
PS2 V9 + FMCB 1.8c + HDD IDE 500Go
Divers E3 Esata station + DD sata 120Go + 320Go + 500Go et DD IDE 500Go avec adaptateur USB

Dernière modification par g.t.o ; 22/03/2013 à 18h07.
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