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Vieux 15/12/2012, 01h47   #1 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: juin 2008
Localisation: Le Mans
Âge: 44
Genre : Homme
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Remercié 6 fois dans 6 Posts
Par défaut Welcome to the God of War: Ascension™ Multiplayer Beta Trial!

Dear angelum72,

Congratulations! You have been chosen to take part in the God of War: Ascension Multiplayer Beta Trial. The goal of the Beta is to get feedback on the overall experience from you, the first to try the debut of multiplayer to God of War. Please visit PSN Beta for more information.

PSN Beta

You can visit PSN Beta for the latest PlayStation Beta Trial information such as; how to retrieve your voucher code, provide feedback to the development team, submit bug reports, visit the Beta forums and get all of the latest news.

Et bien ca commence ^^
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