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Vieux 23/08/2012, 16h02   #10 (permalink)
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Tu as bien pris ce firmware : et suivi les instructions ?
"Step 1: Download the firmware..
Step 2: Unzip and copy the upgrade file such as "dstwoupdate.dat" to MicroSD.
Step 3: Make sure you have DSTWO EOS system in your MicroSD, if you don't have, please download: DSTWO EOS v1.11_0521(2012-05-21).
Step 4: Find a DS console (NDS\DS\DSLite\DSi\3DS) which can run this EOS system, if you have the latest version console can not run EOS system, sorry, you have to find one.
Step 5: Turn on the power, EOS will detect the upgrade file, press A to upgrade.

Now, the DSTWO support the latest version console. Off cause if the firmware declared support the latest version console."
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