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Vieux 12/09/2004, 13h45   #1 (permalink)
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bonjour, j ai une petite question. j ai vu sur :

"Is there any way to play a USA game on-line using a PAL console?

YES. When logging on the server, both the Disc ID and the Machine
IDs are authenticated. The Machine ID includes a REGION algorithm
so that PAL consoles can only connect to PAL lobby servers for
on-line play of a PAL title. Attempting to play an NTSC (US/JAP) title
on-line with a PAL PS2 console will result in an -833 DNA$ error even
when the LEGAL back-up is properly patched... this is due to the
Machine ID authentication that also occurs when connecting on-line.

With the above stated, YES using the PS2 Machine ID Changer.


donc si j ai bien compris je change l id de la machine en jap et les jeux ntsc-j reconnais le network adaptator? ou bien apres avoir changer l'id je dois installer le network adaptator avec le cd jap? qqn pourrait me donner des renseignement a ce sujet? et puis comment trouve un id jap aussi ^^
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