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Vieux 23/06/2012, 17h47   #3393 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: décembre 2009
Localisation: Madrid, Spain
Âge: 37
Genre : Homme
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Envoyé par CollectorSoul Voir le message
Hello everyone,

I'm quite impressed by this Spanish version. As you may know my wish is to have a J-Dub Eng-sub version of Shenmue 1 (like Shenmue 2 PAL).
Are there any others who would like that version too? Would you participate in a translation project?

As you are the boss if it gets to the tools I'd like to ask you this:
Is it possible to implement a feature in the subtitle editor which would export the subtitles only? I mean, if I export a subtitle file to XML format i get such a thing like this:

<subtitle charid="AKIR">The wrong one=@</subtitle>
<subtitle charid="AKIR">I want to know about the cartel</subtitle>
<subtitle charid="AKIR">That's none of your business.¡õJust tell me!

and I would like to have something like this:

"AKIR">The wrong one=@
"AKIR">I want to know about the cartel.
"AKIR">That's none of your business.¡õJust tell me!

Such a feature could speed up a possible translation project
You want to easily export the subtitles to a Google Translate page?
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