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Vieux 11/09/2004, 09h35   #1 (permalink)
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j'ai le elf du id changer ainsi que les source donc je vais me mettre au taff de cette aprem dessus

		    --   P l a y S t a t i o n 2   --
		    --     I D   C h a n g e r     --
                    --      2004/09/06 - Scarecrow --

What ?
This allows you to change your Console ID and Link ID of your PS2, if you ever
got banned from sony because you once did illegal things (tm) with one of their
online games, DNAS protected. It might also serve other purpuses. I don't care.

Why ?
Because webmonkies such as the online website ps2ownz at http://www.ps2ownz.com
so called the "best place about development" is actually asking for money to
"help" them releasing a tool which should basically work the same as this one.
Although piracy is really, really harmful, although they already are making a
lot of money with "flip top" covers and other HD Advance, they now want to go
hit the online games market AND STILL MAKE MONEY OUT OF IT! That's really a
shame. Really. You really don't deserve their name. So, I prefer releasing that
lame "tool", instead of seeing them saying "it's a very advanced code, and we
need hard work to do it." Idiots, all of you: that's only a 5-lines code thingy.

How ?
This is actually very simple. On the end user point of view, move the yellow
cursor using left and right, change the selected number using up and down,
and upload the new IDs using X. On the developper point of view, you'll find
the sources for the IRX file that provides such functionnalities, alongside
with a small EE-side rpc service code. However, the code has a (pah... quite
easy to find...) voluntary bug in it. So, only smartasses should be able to
really use it.

Who ?
Blah, you don't have to know. And maybe the answer is just not as far than 
what you think.

Final words: There are many more groups and sites to blame for the deterioration
of the scene. The whole "ps2-scene" is fucked up... bastards: you only are
trying to make up money, money, and only money. Even groups that say they are
for the scene but only look for "Investment" from some italian modchip guys.
Do not be fooled: they are not for homebrew development. Please do not buy
anything from sites that sponsor bad groups like ps2ownz. Go as far as
boycotting them. They need to be taught a lesson for supporting evil websites!


ci dessus est le nfo qui vien avec les sources
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