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Vieux 03/02/2012, 20h35   #3336 (permalink)
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Hello again,

OK here is a detailed procedure because it seems like my last post was not clear enough (I am working on the guide):

1. Get a GDI form the PAL and the NTSC-J version and all tools you need.
2. Open the GDI's (one after the other) with GDI explorer and extract the whole content (make a folder for the J and the PAL and for each folder 4 additional forlders for the 4 disks)
3. Copy the extracted data from GDI 1 to a place where you want to make your editing in a folder (lets call it GDI1)
4. Go to \SCENE\01\STREAM in your extracted japanese original GDI, highlight all files in there and press CTRL + C (or right mouse button > copy)
5. Open now your extracted GDI1 folder you want to modify and paste all the files from step 4 in there (window will appear and ask you, answer with yes to all).

Now you have the japanese stream in your PAL game you "only" have to change the subtitles ...

6. Open your GDI1 folder and make a copy of a .afs file (lets say A0114.AFS) to a place like your desktop
7. Open afsutils, goto File > open files and choose the .afs on your desktop. Then goto Tools > mass extraction within your afsutils and extract the .afs in a folder on your desktop.
8. Open the AIO subtitles editor and goto File > open directory and choose the folder you created by mass extracting the original japanese afs
9. Click on the label in the file list and scroll around in the subtitle list and edit the stuff in the text box. After finishing it save it and close AIO.
10. Open afsutils again, goto Tools > AFS creator > File > import XML list, navigate to your modified folder with the new english subtitles and choose the XML file in there. Then goto File > Save afs and afsutils will create a new afs file.
NOTE: If you in AFS Creator mode ad only add a directory instead of choosing the XML your AFS file will be corrupted and it won't be possible to create a valid IDX file!
11. Now open idx creator (it is not necessary to check the "create with template" stuff) and browse for your modified afs file. Click on generate and look for some message like: idx successfully created. If idxcreator is not capable of generating a valid idx file most likely your afs file is screwed up.
12. Now highlight the modified .afs and the new .idx (both files shall have the same name as the original files!) and copy them in your GDI1 STREAM folder where the original files where.

To test whether it worked you should make an image file in cdi format (nulldc dreamcast emulator compatible) and test it on an emulator like nulldc.

13. Open bootmake and click on the browsing button to find your GDI1 and especially don't forget to browse for your IP.bin otherwise the game will not boot in the test. Also choose a destination where you want your .cdi to be created and hit run. It will take about 10min until it is done ...
14. Open nulldc emulator (nulldc needs DIRECTX9 to work properly, make sure you get it and install it!!) and browse for your .cdi. Change the keys for better control and look whether you were successfull or not.

If anyone finds an error correct me ^^
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