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Vieux 17/12/2011, 17h26   #3256 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: décembre 2009
Localisation: Madrid, Spain
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More information for you people:
- I've hunted down the font used on the English/FIGS texts of Shenmue I and II; the exact one, not similar ones. Anyone who's directly related to the project, please give me a word and I'll send that.
- And now for more spam: Doblaje de Shenmue y Time Crisis 1 en Castellano - YouTube
On the video I say that the Shenmue (full) dub was a joke, the Spanish version of the April Fools joke... well, that scene no longer is a joke; I got it inserted into the game. As for Time Crisis, the full dub was released on June. I also did another one of The World Ends With You.
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