Discussion: Quel choix faire?
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Vieux 13/06/2011, 08h22   #10 (permalink)
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Envoyé par KrelianGS Voir le message
[2011-06-12 01:53PM UTC] #c4e and evenualy solutions like xkey might take over
[2011-06-12 01:53PM UTC] #c4e last?
[2011-06-12 01:53PM UTC] #c4e supply
[2011-06-12 01:54PM UTC] #c4e xkey=banned

[2011-06-12 01:24PM UTC] #fw buying x360key. open 360, exract key, plug in, and play. All discs, xgd3, or not…
[2011-06-12 01:24PM UTC] #fw doesn that make sense?
[2011-06-12 01:24PM UTC] #fw personaly i’ve been happy with what c4 has offered so doubt i’ll change
[2011-06-12 01:24PM UTC] #fw cant go on live with x360key tho can you???
[2011-06-12 01:24PM UTC] #fw x360key will get box banned, thats why
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