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Vieux 02/06/2011, 23h51   #948 (permalink)
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Avatar de Trokless
Date d'inscription: octobre 2010
Âge: 39
Genre : Homme
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Remercié 20 fois dans 11 Posts
Par défaut Veteran

Envoyé par rikimaru971 Voir le message
je me souvenais pas avoir autant jouer à Battlefield. sinon tu vas là: et tu expliquesz ton problème j'ai vu ça ici: Devenir veteran la méthode 100% reussite.

ça s'est fait en 2/2
Moi je viens de le faire et c'est bon voila mon chat live, j'ai pigé la moitié mais bon je m'en fou;

Kate: Hi, my name is Kate. How may I help you?
xavier trokless: Hello I have a problem to become veteran on Batllefield Bad Company 2.
I played Battlefield Heroes, but this game is not register on my
Kate: sont worry
Kate: don't* worry I am here to help you
Kate: I will add veteran in your game
xavier trokless: yes
xavier trokless: thx for your help you want my e-mail?
Kate: no
Kate: just do one thing
Kate: as I have added veteran in your game
Kate: check VETERAN
Kate: so please check it & tell me
xavier trokless: its ok thx you i am very happy, good night
Kate: Thank you for giving me an opportunity to assist you regarding your issue. You will be receiving a Survey shortly in your email. I will appreciate if you can take out some time and mention if I was of any help to you.
Kate: I am sure you have some time for it
xavier trokless: i am french my english is verry bad sorry i don't enderstand
Kate: I would appreciate if you could fill in the survey form which you will receive in your email as soon as this chat ends.
xavier trokless: ok
Kate: Thank you for contacting to me at Electronic Arts.
Have a nice day !
Bye ! "smile"
Kate: take care & enjoy your game
xavier trokless: thx by

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