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Vieux 29/04/2011, 11h21   #1 (permalink)
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Par défaut Labyrinth no Kanata (v1)

In the run-up to the Nintendo 3DS launch, we were told that Nintendo's new console would be able to handle some pretty slick, next-gen visuals. However, as yet we've not seen anything that has blown us away.

Until today, that is. As revealed by Famitsu (and helpfully translated by NeoGAF), Konami and Tri-Ace have a new RPG up their collaborative sleeves that is looking incredible.

Beyond the Labyrinth follows a young girl as she explores a series of gorgeous 3D ruins and dungeons. Not much about the story has been revealed, but the screenshots alone are enough to get us excited.

The game is being directed by Tri-Ace's Takayuki Suguro, and produced by Konami's Shingo Mukaitouge. Apparently it's around 60 per cent complete. There's no release date.

Make sure you click the screenshot above to check out the rest - they're stunning.


Beyond the Labyrinth is the most gorgeous 3DS game so far | Beyond the Labyrinth news | Pocket Gamer

en tout cas, la 3DS en a dans le ventre et le Tri-Ace nouveau est enfin arrive. Je vais troller, mais c'est dommage que ca ne soit pas un projet salon.

pour information, Takayuki Suguro est le chef de projet de Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria et de l'excellent Resonance Of Fate/End of Eternity.

J'esperes en tout cas que le jeu sera aussi difficile que ces derniers, voir une difficulte proche d'un Dungeon Master
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