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Vieux 04/05/2011, 10h20   #26 (permalink)
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Et la résolution fullHD pourra réconcilier les Kévins qui pourront jouer à un antépénultième Street Fighter, FPS sauce Hard Technology alien ...
1. Pourquoi kevin?
2. Qu'est-ce que t'as contre une resolution de 1920x1080?

il n'y a pas que les Street Fighter et les FPS qui l'utilise. Il y a des RPG, jeux d'aventure, ect... qui l'utilise aussi.

Speaking of Blu-ray video playback, the magic number usually tossed about by high-def home theater enthusiasts (and Sony marketing goons) is 1080, as in 1080p video resolution. That's one-thousand-and-eighty progressively scanned lines of resolution. Less popular: 1080i, which, yes, has one-thousand-and-eighty lines of resolution, but they're interlaced. If that doesn't sound familiar, that's because it's been somewhat absent since 1080p-compatible televisions and devices have filled the market. Kotaku reports it's heard "mixed things" as to whether Nintendo plans on offering 1080p (or, as Sony would put it circa 2006, "True HD") or 1080i.
Wii 2 rumors: Only 8GB of storage, 25GB discs, and 1080p isn't a definite | Joystiq

tres sincerement, si ca s'avere vrai, Nintendo doit encore faire bcp d'effort pour reconquerir une certaine partie du public. Appelle-moi kevin si tu veux, mais ne pas proposer une resolution en progressive scan est ridicule en 2011. De plus, le progressive scan n'a pas de probleme de crenelage, contrairement au interlaced video.
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