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Vieux 27/04/2011, 11h49   #11 (permalink)
Gamer toujours !
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
Localisation: Nord (59)
Âge: 34
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Y'a clairement clauses abusives là...
M'en vais voir l'UFC que choisir moi

Petites quotes sympas :

KaKaRoToKS Youness Alaoui

Just like they did with OtherOS, I suggest Sony removes PSN because of "security concerns"... noone used that anyways, right ? :p
geohotnews George Hotz
PS3: It only gives away everything.
ClaytonBraasch Clayton Braasch
I hope Sony has learned that hacking to steal personal information is worse than those who hack for homebrew and research-related purposes.
vikonava Viko Nava
Tried to log PSN and Ive got a new trophy!!! @chronic @KaKaRoToKs @Mathieulh @comex @chpwn
"Mortal Kombat exclusive: Kratos. Xbox 360 Mortal Kombat exclusive: being online."
D'autres là :!5795984/twitter-...n-network-hack

Link14 - La collection, PS3 et compagnie

Profil PSN :
Link14_fr - Si seulement je pouvais bien bosser en cours au lieu de jouer...

Dernière modification par Link14 ; 27/04/2011 à 12h20.
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