Discussion: Quake I
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Vieux 31/08/2004, 21h59   #2 (permalink)
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J'en suis pas sur mais il me semble que Radquake utilise le rendu PVR qui permet d'avoir un meilleure graphismes. Voila ce que j'ai trouvé sur dc-france.com

What's new ?
- converted SDL rendering to 2d PVR rendering (glitches in bottom left corner)
- implemented VMU support for config and state saving/loading (new cvars)
- modified the menu (fixed some bugs and added some submenus)
- implemented characters face display on the VMU's screen (loaded from a 144x160 1-bit image located in /cd/lcdicons.png)
- implemented rumble pack support (new cvars - only tested with Mad Catz's)
- modified Quake common functions to gain some speed (store queues)
- implemented a 50/60Hz display mode selector for PAL Dreamcasts
- implemented screenshots saving to PC (requires a coder cable or a BBA, screenshots are saved to /pc/radquake**.pcx)
- added extra icon for the VMU (ICONDATA_VMS)
- added extra background image for the boot menu (EXTRA.BG.PVR)
- implemented ability to move/resize the screen
- fixed the "quit" option so it leaves the application with DC-load
- implemented a main screen with a disc checking routine (it looks for /cd/QUAKE/ID1/PAK0.PAK)
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