Envoyé par Hamato
2 Questions donc :
- Pourquoi celui provenant de NUS est moins gros (donc moins rempli) que celuis provenant de l'ISO ?
J'avais trouvé la réponse par hasard hier, sur une page que j'ai déjà lue plusieurs fois pourtant :
NUS Downloader - WiiBrew
Size Differences
After the initial release, there were concerns rising about differences in file sizes between official WADs and NUSD ones. A first, obvious difference is in that official ones have a footer, and NUSD packed ones do not. This adds a few bytes onto the official ones which will not be present.
A second difference may be noticed in the Certificate Chain added to the WAD. While it may appear entirely different, it is simply ordered in a different way, and the Wii sees nothing different. V1.1 of NUSD will order the certs in the most common way, so that difference is covered.
The only real difference is in some tickets. NUS has a variation on the ticket for a title, as do the WADs that come in discs. While they are different, the only changed values are small (ticket_id and DLC purchases). The big things like Title Key remain intact. There has been no issues using these tickets, which is understandable as many are probably on your Wii right now.
En gros : le fait de "compiler" les wad manuellement n'ajoute pas de données de "pied de fichier", donc ca fait des bouts de différence.