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Vieux 22/01/2011, 14h09   #7 (permalink)
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Ça dépend de la version du bios de la console. Les plus vieilles 90004 lancent le FMCB. Les plus récentes envoient chier (pardonnez moi l'expression).

C'est ce qui est dit dans le forum officiel des créateurs du FMCB.

1. If the packaging has a window to allow you to see the sticker, or if the retailer will let you open the box in the store, look for date code 8b. Some 8c may have BIOS v220, most are v230. Any later date code is not compatible.
2. The "Singstar Pop Hits 3" Bundle (not the 2007 bundle with the white PS2)is reported as BIOS v220 (no Guarantees though) I can't find this bundle online, so if you have a link to it, or know a store that sells it please share.

SCPH-9XXXX v18 PS2 FMCB Compatibility Consolidated Information - PSX-SCENE: The oldest and most trusted Playstation Scene Community
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