19/12/2010, 13h28
#39 (permalink)
Bin....on peut pas savoir pour toi lol
Tu devrais déjà essayer un backup de gamecube , voir si ça marche.
Pour lancer tes backups GC je te conseille tout de même Neogamma , qui offre pas mal de possibilités de patch et autres joyeusetés pour une compatibilité maxi :
NeoGamma R9 beta test - GBAtemp.net
PS :
Requirements for gamecube backup launching from disc with NeoGamma:
- A Wii with a backup compatible drive(black Wiis are generally not backup compatible, backup resistant Wiis were sold since christmas '09, no backup disc compatible Wiis in the shelves anymore 1-2 months later). Easy test: In the latest NeoGamma, remove disc from the drive and select launch game from disc. You will get a read error. If it doesn't say anything about your drive, then it should be old enough.
- A GC backup compatible cIOS installed and used. For testing until it works, install cIOS37rev19 or cIOS56rev20. NeoGamma shows at the bottom of the screen which cIOS is used. If does not say: cIOS37rev19 or cIOS56rev20 (slot 249), you did not install the cIOS correctly.
- A GC homebrew compatible cMIOS. If you don't know which one you have, just install a good one. cMIOS and MIOS always overwrite any MIOS or cMIOS you currently have installed. Waninkoko's cMIOS up to rev5(including) are not GC homebrew compatible. All of WiiGator's cMIOS should be compatible. And there's only compatible or not compatible, there are no differences in games compatibility or anything else between different cMIOS. Recommend cMIOS: The one from this thread, because: It's NeoGamma compatible and still allows to play retail GC discs from disc channel without issues.
- The correct options in NeoGamma:
Storage device: SD or USB using cIOS(the others should work too, but most people try everything, so...)
Gamecube Mode: internal (MIOS just boots MIOS like the disc channel does, external boots sd:/NeoGamma/GC.dol in GC mode)
Force Video: Disc(with component cables, you might need to try all options)
Patch Video: No(only relevant on import games with color issues)
Reloader, Backup plugin, Audio fix and Patched MIOS: Auto
All other options are not GC backup launching relevant. Yes this includes the GC Ocarina and debugger options. But if you want to be safe, set everything in that menu to no.
- A valid game image written on the disc. Well the best way to find out if this is the reason why GC backup launching is not working at all is to create a clean new dump from a retail disc with SuperDump or CleanRip(newer than SuperDump and maybe better). Multi game discs are valid discs, but i can only say that the multi game discs created with the tool linked in this thread work for sure
- And last but not least: A good disc. Only use high quality media and never burn slower than 4x. If you believe you need to burn slow, then use 4x, all others try 8x,12x or 16x. And DVD+Rs need the booktype set to DVD-R(dvd-rom) on burning, or the Wii won't be able to read them. This procedure is called bitsetting, just google it.
This ain't noise man ! This is fuc**** SHOWTEK !! My favourite fuc**** music !!!
Dernière modification par NeB ; 19/12/2010 à 13h36.