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Vieux 18/11/2010, 15h24   #3048 (permalink)
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Envoyé par IlDucci Voir le message
¿Japonés? ¿No te gusta la que estamos haciendo en SEGASaturno - Saturn, SEGA y Videojuegos
Japanese? You don't like the one we are making at SEGASaturno - Saturn, SEGA y Videojuegos
Hi, IlDucci.

It's not like I don't your translation. I've been talking with Ryo, and looks really good, probably far better than what I could do.

After you release the translation I don't think is needed another one, but the thing is that I really love Shenmue, and trnaslating, and in spite of I've played it a few times in Japanese I'd like to translate it to get deeper into the details, practise, and enjoy with it, so it's merely for personal reasons.
I hope you understand
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