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Vieux 19/10/2010, 11h20   #4720 (permalink)
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Communication de la team psjailbreak

We will be releasing our new and improved Backup Manager v1.1 on the 20th of October. As well, we would like to announce that our updates for newer firmwares will be delayed a few days, but it will be released before the end of the month. We sincerely apologize for this minor delay and appreciate your patience.
Thank you.the features that clone makers have been providing, along with some new ones that will blow you all away. As mentioned in previous news updates, we are still receiving large amounts of mail about our high price compared to our competition, so we will reiterate. Clones are low quality, have high defect rates and will only work on firmware 3.41. So for all you dealers out there, why buy a product that limits your market? Ours allows you to distribute to all end users and provides your clients with more options.

Traduction d'un passage important : "Nous annoncons que nos mise à jour pour la compatibilité avec les nouveaux firmware sera retardé de quelques jours....."

Dernière modification par jujurochedu42 ; 19/10/2010 à 11h26.
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