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Vieux 17/09/2010, 00h33   #7 (permalink)
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Date d'inscription: décembre 2008
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Mince je n'ai jamais eu ces erreurs là

J'ai trouvé ça en cherchant la première erreur sur google
(pour le même jeu : Issue 2311 - dolphin-emu - VarToD3D: Invalid type/size combo 0 , 4, / Failed to create D3D vertex declaration - Project Hosting on Google Code)
The problems are this:

*the game is not smart enough to run with dualcore enabled or it will crash
solution: disable dualcore

*the menu have a video bug that makes the game crash in the intro
solution: use software render plugin

*the menu have another bug in the menu itself ( the green screen with options ) that
makes it hang while trying to display the options
solution: Use DSP LLE plugin

In order to use the DSP LLE plugin you need to dump two files from your wii ( or a
homebrew enabled GC ). Check this How to Dump Your DSP! (required for using DSP-LLE plugin)
Solution (apparemment)
works with software render with dual core disabled, unfortunately it only gets an fps
of 2 so it isn't playable.
Ce problème de CPU, c'est comme pour l'erreur #3

Même jeu, à croire qu'il n'est pas compatible pour le moment.
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