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Vieux 18/08/2010, 12h53   #6083 (permalink)
Sheep & Nespresso
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Avatar de kyori
Date d'inscription: mars 2007
Âge: 48
Genre : Homme
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Messages: 1 707
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Merci: 303
Remercié 374 fois dans 240 Posts
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Maj du store EURO :

PlayStation Store (via PS3, PSP et Media Go)
Offres spéciales

(Disponibles jusqu’au premier septembre)

* Landit Bandit (prix initial – 12.99 € maintenant – 6.99 €)
* Heavy Weapon™(prix initial – 7.99 € maintenant – 3.99 €)
* Zuma (prix initial – 7.99 € maintenant – 3.99 €)
* Crash Commando (prix initial – 7.99 € maintenant – 3.99 €)
* Crash Commando Combo Pack (prix initial – 4.99 € maintenant – 2.99 €)
* Valhalla Knights (prix initial – 12.99 € maintenant – 9.99 €)
* Valhalla Knights 2 (prix initial – 14.99 € maintenant – 12.99 €)
* International Athletics (prix initial – 7.99 € maintenant – 5.99 €)
* Generation of Chaos (prix initial – 7.99 € maintenant – 5.99 €)
* Breakquest (prix initial – 2.99 € maintenant – 1.99 €)
* Let’s Golf! (prix initial – 4.99 € maintenant – 1.19 €)

PSP Essentiels (Non disponibles actuellement en Australie ou Nouvelle Zelande)

* Open Season (9.99 €) Rating: PEGI 3
* Sonic Rivals (9.99 €) Rating: PEGI 3
* Sonic Rivals 2 (9.99 €) Rating: PEGI 7
* SEGA Rally Essentials (9.99 €) Rating: PEGI 3
* Super Monkey Ball Adventure (9.99 €) Rating: PEGI 3
* SEGA Mega Drive Collection (9.99 €) Rating: PEGI 12

Démos (PS3)

* NHL 11 Rating: PEGI 16

* Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. 2 Rating: PEGI 12

Ajouts de jeux et contenus (PS3)

* Skate 3 – Skate.Create Upgrade Pack (6.49 €) Rating: PEGI 12

* ModNation Racers – Mouse Trap Pack (2.99 €) Rating: PEGI 7

* LittleBigPlanet
o Marvel Costume Kit 4 (5.99 €) (Contient les costumes suivants qui sont également disponibles séparément)
o Hulk Costume (1.99 €)
o Punisher Costume (1.99 €)
o Green Goblin Costume (1.99 €)
o Magneto Costume (1.99 €)
o Storm Costume (1.99 €)

Rating: PEGI 7

o Jolly Pack (0.99 €)
o Sergeant Jay Pack (0.99 €)

Rating: PEGI 16

* Uncharted 2: Among Thieves – Sidekick Skins Pack (2.99 €) Rating: PEGI 16

* Rock Band
o Neon Trees Pack 01 (3.99 €) (contains the following tracks which are also available separately)
o ‘1983’ (1.49 €)
o ‘Animal’ (1.49 €)
o ‘Sins of my Youth’ (1.49 €)
o The Black Keys Pack 01 (3.99 €) (Contient les chansons suivantes qui sont également disponibles séparément)
o ‘I Got Mine’ (1.49 €)
o ‘Strange Times’ (1.49 €)
o ‘Your Touch’ (1.49 €)

Rating: PEGI 12

Non disponibles au Luxembourg

* Rock Band Network
o ’Blow at High Dough’ by The Tragically Hip (1.49 €)
o ‘Hook, Line and Sinner’ by Texas (0.79 €)
o ‘Let the Games Begin’ by Anarbor (1.49 €)
o ‘Mandelbrot Set’ by Jonathan Coulton (1.49 €)
o ‘Unfurling a Darkened Gospel’ by Job for a Cowboy (0.79 €)

Rating: PEGI 12

Non disponibles au Luxembourg

* Guitar Hero 5
o Weezer Track Pack (5.49 €) (Contient les chansons suivantes qui sont également disponibles séparément)
o ‘Beverly Hills’ (1.99 €)
o ‘Island in the Sun’ (1.99 €)
o ‘Pork and Beans’ (1.99 €)

Rating: PEGI 12
Ajouts de jeux et contenus (PSP)

* LittleBigPlanet
o Wild West Costume (gratuit)
o Wild West Level Kit (2.99 €)

Rating: PEGI 7
Vidéos (PS3)

* Brink Developer Diary #2
* Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days You Think You Can Kill Me Trailer
* Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X.® 2 Trailer
* Vanquish Gameplay Trailer 2
* Metal Gear Solid: Rising GC2010 Trailer ‘Zan Datsu’

GamesCom 2010 Trailers (PS3)

* Hustle Kings
* EyePet: Move Edition
* KillZone 3
* TV Superstars Trailer
* The Shoot
* The Fight
* Start the Party
* Sorcery
* SingStar Dance
* SingStar Guitar
* Ratchet + Clank
* Mubi
* Motorstorm 3: Apocalypse
* LittleBigPlanet 2 Move
* Infamous 2
* Heroes on the Move
* Dead Nation
* Buzz! The Ultimate Music Quiz
* Kung Fu Rider Trailer
* Eat Them
* Beat Sketcher
* Echochrome II
* PixelJunk Shooter 2
* No Heroes Allowed
* Sports Champions
* Sly Trilogy
* DC Universe
* PlayStation Move
* Heavy Rain Move Edition
* Time Crisis
* Tumble

GamesCom 2010 Trailers (PSP)

* EyePet PSP
* Patapon 3
* No Heroes Allowed
* Jungle Party
* InviZimals: Shadow Zone
* God of War: Ghost of Sparta
* Digital Comics Trailer

Wallpapers (PS3)

* Fat Princess: Fat Roles Ninja Pirate Wallpaper (gratuit)

Thème dynamique (PS3)

* Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Dynamic Theme (1.99 €)

Thèmes (PS3)

* Disruptive Themes Purple Haze Theme (1.49 €)
* Disruptive Themes Road to China Theme (1.49 €)
* Disruptive Themes Voodoo Crucifixion (1.49 €)

Avatars (PS3)

* Savage Moon
o Silver Logo (0.25 €)
o Insectocyde Logo (0.25 €)
o Soldier Bug Logo (0.25 €)
o Savage Moon Logo (0.25 €)
Xbox360 60gb : gamertag : kyoridk59
PS3 Slim 120 Go
PS3 60gb dead paix à son âme !!!

kyori est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
Ces 3 utilisateurs disent Merci à kyori pour ce poste utile:
M3N0S (18/08/2010), QuoStat (18/08/2010), stseiya (18/08/2010)