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Vieux 20/08/2004, 16h12   #3 (permalink)
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ben pr l'instant y a ca qui marche dapres les dev du module :

Supported hardware:
- bulk only devices with scsi command set (I hope that most of the recent
flash disks will work)
Tested with:
* Seitec Usb Bar (1022_128M sticker) - working
* SWEEX (FX300010) 6 In 1 multi pannel - first CF slot working
* ViPowER usb to ide cable (VP-9208 + VP-9054V enclosure) - working

Supported features:
- fat12, fat16, fat32. First suitable partition is used.
- basic support for long filenames (128 chars in the filename)
- read only access
- directory listing

et il manque ca

Missing features:
- multi partition acces
- write access
- real unicode decoding and conversion for long filenames
- only one mass device connected is currently supported
- file system error detection - if you plug in disk with corrupted
filesystem then the resluts are unspecified (but as long as the driver
can only read data it will not modify the disk content).
- and much more :-) Driver is still in development so you may
encounter many bugs.
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