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Vieux 18/06/2010, 05h14   #1672 (permalink)
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Les crashs seront vachement réalistes pour ceux qui s'en inquiétait :

D'autres news :

  • As confirmed in a footnote on the Japanese site, the 800 “standard cars” in the game will not have interior view or high-beam headlights (new video standard cars here, thanks Paskowitz).
  • NASCAR pit crew’s actions have been specifically re-created.
  • All cars will be able to “roll over” if involved in an accident.
  • Damage may “not necessarily be applied to all races in the game”.
  • You will be able to define your own password-protected online races with your friends, and you’ll be able to control all of the event’s regulations.
  • “You can host ‘Track Days’, where everyone can drive freely on the track. You can try to shave down your laptimes, you can teach someone how to drive, or just enjoy drifting.”
Vehicular damage was also clarified:
Physics-Affecting Damage
This is damage in which the physics simulation is affected by alignment deviations, etc. This is damage that affects controllability, and the car may not drive straight, or it might become unstable in corners, etc. depending on the amount of damage. Affects all cars.

Dirt, Scratches, and Dents
This is damage that can be visually seen, and involves dirtying of the body, scratches and dents. Affects all cars.

Separation (dislocation) of Body Panels
This is damage in which body panels are dislocated from their original positions, or deform. Affects only premium cars.

Désolé, il est minuit, j'ai quelque bières dans le pif () et la flemme de traduire A retenir c'est que les 800 autos non-premium n'auront bel et bien PAS leur vue intérieure (très décevant après 5 ans de développement, je trouve :triste. Bonne nouvelle c'est que les dommages subit par les autos se répercuteront sur la maniabilité, etc...

Source : GT Planet
Bit my shiny metal ass.
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