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Vieux 10/06/2010, 15h53   #749 (permalink)
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10 / 6 / 2010
EDGE OS v1.11
has been released. Changes include:

Game compatibility fixes (DSi 0047, DSi 0054, 4341, 4716, 4723, 4726, 4778, 4831, 4851, 4856, 4868, 4883, 4900, 4904, 4913, 4916)

In addition, we have released v2 of the iEDGE Bootstrap Updater. This update fixes problems some people have experienced getting iEDGE to work with Korean DSLite consoles. PLEASE NOTE that if you have already successfully installed your iEDGE bootstrap then there is no need to update!

La mise à jour de la compatibilité des jeux est la copie conforme de celle du CycloDS Evolution Firmware v1.59. Donc je peux en déduire que le IEDGE et le CYCLO sont le fruit de la même team. Business is business.

La traduction française n'est toujours pas incluse.
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