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Vieux 07/06/2010, 02h30   #66 (permalink)
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Pour le Cyclods la dernière version stable est la 1.58.

Deux liens pratiques : pour les betas et Index of /downloads pour le reste ;-)

PS : La nouvelle version beta 3 est sortie aujourd'hui

CycloDS Evolution BETA firmware vB.3 has been released for testing. Changes include:

* Added text file viewer
* Added option to show all file types in the file browser
* Last played bookmark now shown in main menu bookmark mode
* Old cheat prompt now supported when launching from main menu bookmark
* Internal ROM name is now displaying correctly for homebrew
* Tweak to ROM view in small icon mode (thanks Solanum)
* Fixed problem preventing Stealth Mode being manually enabled
* Maximum number of files per directory increased to 256
* Changes to skin specification to support additional icon types for text file and unknown file
* Various other GUI tweaks
* Game compatibility fixes (DSi 0054, 4900, 4904, 4913, 4916)

For details on the new BETA firmware line, please see the original thread
Un problème sans solution est un problème mal posé...
Albert Einstein

Dernière modification par gh0st ; 08/06/2010 à 13h39.
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