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Vieux 03/06/2010, 16h19   #791 (permalink)
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bon j'ai fait un petit message au support de rockstar , je viens de recevoir la réponse je n'est pas pu tester , je poste la réponse on sait jamais peut être ke ca pourra aider certains ....mais j'ai kan même un gros doute lol

Hello Watts and thanks for your feedback,
We are aware that some players are still experiencing connection issues and are currently working on a solution. In the meantime, you could try turn the uPNP off, this seems to help some players. Please keep an eye on Rockstar Games | Rockstar News Wire for the official release of an upcoming patch in which this issue will be hopefully resolved.

If you have any more issues or questions please don’t hesitate to contact us again.

Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience,

R* Support
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