Discussion: ps2menu 2.6????
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Vieux 19/08/2004, 00h56   #2 (permalink)
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houlà je vais essayer d'être clair :

1/ non il faut utiliser hdl_dump

2/ tout dépend si tu veux installer les jeux par le réseau ou via hdl_dump

3/commandes du ps2menu:
Left and Right: Navigate up or down by ten in the list of files/folders
Up and Down: Navigate up or down in the list of files/folders
Cross: Attempt to execute a file, or change current folder
Circle: Delete file or empty folder - prompts for confirmation
Square: Create folder - prompts for name
Tiangle: Select copy destination folder or copy highlighted file to destination
L1: Switch active partition on HDD
R1: Switch active device, HDD, hostvia ps2link), memory card and CD
L2: Access configuration screen, for display options.
R2: Informs if highlighted file is a valid PS2 executable (ELF), filesize.
START: Advanced functions, currently Rename and Advanced (recursive) copy.
SELECT: Display help

4/ il y a plein de versions avec une zolie interface graphique dispo

5/tu peux rajouter cdloader7b52, ps2link,pgen,faplink 0.86 , il y a plein de trucs à rajouter
va voir pour le cogswap 1.1 de nitro:
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