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Vieux 05/05/2010, 17h23   #7795 (permalink)
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bon, retour de HMV à proposde mon saboteur annulé :

Dear Mickael,

Thanks for your email.

You asked us to send you "SABOTEUR - PS3 GAME". We're so sorry but we can't find copies anywhere. It's sold out and we're not aware of any plans to re-release.

You might be able to get hold of a second-hand copy, but sadly not through us. If anything changes, we'll be in touch. Your order number was 26230503. We've cancelled the product from your order and haven't charged you for it.

We really hope you're not too disappointed. We've got one of the biggest databases in the world, so it's unusual for us not to come up with the goods.

Any questions? Reply to this email, or give us a call instead on 0845 603 8576 we're open 9am - 6pm Monday to Friday.

We hope to see you again soon.

Kind regards,
grossomodo ils me proposent d'aller me tourner vers l'occaz... super la solution. bref, définitivement un magasin à banir par son manque de sérieux
ceinture noire de fer à souder !
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