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Vieux 07/03/2010, 16h17   #2785 (permalink)
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Cinematics Subtitles Editor v1.4a

This version is a test build because it wasn't tested enough. But now, I'm tired and I'm going to play GTA IV (yeah it isn't Shenmue I know!) so I'll do more tests soon. That's why this version was labeled as "1.4a".

You can now edit previous non-editables subtitles, in order to translate some completely blanks "specials" SRF. You can now translate the Shenmue 1 introduction in your language:

Thanks to IlDucci for the request. You're doing much for this project buddy.
Thank you again for your efforts, here's my thank you video:
YouTube - Introducción de Shenmue 1 traducida al Castellano
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Cet utilisateur dit Merci à IlDucci pour ce poste utile:
SiZiOUS (12/03/2010)