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Vieux 27/01/2010, 18h48   #784 (permalink)
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Petite news pour ceux qui comme moi attends le god of war collection pour notre vieux continent et qui ne veut pas claquer 149euros pour un jeu ou pour 3 jeux lool...hein la bobox hors de prix ^^, donc ça arrive pour bientôt séparément.

God of War Collection to release separately in Europe [update]

Since it hasn't been released there, we had assumed that the only shot our friends in the UK [Update: We've been told by SCEE that this is coming to all of Europe!] would have at the God of War Collection would be contained inside the monstrous "Ultimate Trilogy Edition." However, VG247 has relayed a quote from Sony, stating that "there are plans to release the GOW Collection separately" after all.

It's uncertain just when those plans will come to fruition, but it counts as good news for people who don't want to lay out the cash for the limited edition box set ... or those who would prefer not to have a screaming visage of demonic horror on their mantles.

Source: Joystiq

Dernière modification par Corbierz ; 27/01/2010 à 18h51.
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